Busy Bee Bookkeeping

The Background

This client needed a logo for her new accounting, book keeping and other services business. It needed to capture her upbeat, positive and can-do energy, as well as her roll-your-sleeves-up work ethic and ability to handle multiple projects. Since she was just getting started, we needed a business card and a place holder website STAT!

The resulting logo and brand framework are a great example of how collaborative design work can drive great results. The client and I had some in depth conversations and did some important thinking and exploration of concepts before I ever put digital pen to digital paper. We landed on a bee concept, but it was important to the client that it be elegant and professional to inspire confidence in her clients, rather than anything too cutesy or cartoonish. Paired with the lush floral pattern and gold flecks, this logo definitely shouts “trust me with your books!”