New Logo for A New App EASY TO READ COLOR SCHEMES Brief I worked with the Hopewell Group to develop a logo for their Health Illume app, designed to help consumers review potential fees for health services they may need based on [...]
Hopewell Staffing Logo Update
Barbara Evans2022-07-15T15:18:01+00:00New Logo for An Established Company LINING UP DESIGN THEMES Brief Hopewell Staffing was due for a brand update to bring it in line with the themes and style used by the parent Hopewell Group. This design leverages the Hopewell Group diamond, fits [...]
Teen Peril – Quick Sales Flyer
Barbara Evans2022-07-15T15:17:27+00:00Sales Flyer Layout DESIGN FOR A SHORT TERM MARKETING INITIATIVE Brief In 2014, Leverage Health was working on a short marketing initiative with an organization providing insurance around unforeseen events that disproportionally impact teens and are not adequately covered by traditional health insurance. [...]