Merging Two Brands

The Background

I was hired by Red Nucleus to support the brand integration necessary after their acquisition of Pyxa Solutions. They needed help with some visual definition, wire framing of new web content pages and resetting a library of case studies and white papers. All visuals and materials needed to line up with the well defined Red Nucleus brand.
We started with a visual board process to make sure the images used worked with the existing Red Nucleus framework. The visuals had to tell the story of both their award winning learning platform and their performance, and process solutions for the life sciences industry. Once we had some visual themes defined I worked with PrismWorks to work new content into wire frame page layouts. This wire frame process allowed the team opportunities to review and adjust the design before pulling in their internal web developer, who already had a full plate.
Supporting the Brand

Once the wire frames were handed off to the Red Nucleus developer for execution, we turned our attention to case studies and white papers and worked to get these laid out for a rapidly approaching trade show deadline. We also designed a trade show booth and supporting social media graphics for the event.
It was a great opportunity to work with a highly focused team and support the roll out of their new integrated lines of business in the biopharma industry!